The total ecommerce turnover in Italy is estimated to have been worth 75.89 billion euros in 2022. This is a growth of 18.6 percent, when compared to a year earlier.
However, most of that growth was caused by price increases.
These data come from the Ecommerce in Italy 2023 report from Casaleggio Associati, a digital strategy consulting business in Italy.
In 2021, the ecommerce market in Italy reached a turnover of 64 billion euros, which was a growth of 33 percent compared to a year earlier. With a growth of 18.6 percent, it seems that the development of online sales is slowing down in the country.
2022 was the year of the “reality check for exhibitors and producers who had to return to playing according to market rules without the boost, and in some cases the obstacle, of the lockdown,” according to the president of Casaleggio Associati, Davide Casaleggio. The real news was the record level of inflation in Italian. It affected purchases due to higher prices, uncertainty due to the energy crisis, the ongoing war and the soaring costs of transport from Asia.
Leisure was the biggest online sector, generating 50 percent of the total online turnover (38 billion euros) in Italy. According to the research, this is partly due to the growth of online gaming, as well as purchases related to hobbies and sport.
Online shopping
Online shopping centers follow in second place and generated 19 percent of the total revenue (14.2 billion euros).
The tourism sector showed the strongest growth last year (47 percent), which was mostly due to price increases. It generated 13.3 percent of the total ecommerce turnover.
According to the research, the overall sales decreased in most sectors, but there was still an increase in turnover through higher prices. This was particularly true for physical product sectors, such as Food, Home and Furniture, Consumer Electronics and Online Shopping Centers.
Online sales channels
Italian online businesses generated most of their turnover on their own website (40 percent), marketplaces (28 percent), mobile apps(8 percent)
According to the report, ecommerce websites in Italy are expected to grow 17.3 percent in terms of turnover this year.
The Leisure Time, Food and Fashion and Health and Beauty sectors are especially expected to grow in online turnover. (respectively 23, 20 and 19 percent).