40% online shops mislead customers

According to a recent European Commission research, nearly 40 percent of online shops in Europe uses the so-called ‘dark patterns’. This means ways of encouraging or manipulating customers into making a purchase under false pretenses, such as hiding costs and false countdowns.

The study included 399 online stores in 23 countries in the European Union (EU).

It turned out that 148 of them make use of at least one misleading technique.

The European Commission also looked at the apps of online shops. Out of 102 apps, 27 employ at least one dark pattern.

The most frequent pattern is hiding important information: 70 shops use this tactic. This can be hiding delivery costs, the composition of a product or cheaper alternatives. In case of 23 online retailers, information was kept from customers to lure them into a subscription.

In addition to withholding information, 54 websites used visual tricks or misleading language to refer to more expensive subscriptions, products and delivery options. 42 online shops use countdown timers with false deadlines for buying a product.

Following the report, national authorities will contact the companies in question and take further action if necessary. Furthermore, the Commission will evaluate if current consumer protection laws are equipped for dark patterns.

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